yo yo yo
i miss my old friend tanner alder
brooklyn still writes on her blog and i hope i'm not the only one who reads it
i got some photography books from di the other day but i think i'll return them
i'm not sure why the sky is blue (it has something to do with the reflection of the ocean, maybe)
scientists know that the distance from the center of the sun to the center of the earth is called one astronomical unit but scientists have yet to discover why the sound of your name causes me physical pain
i speak in a different kind of tongues, maybe one you won't understand;
with just enough vagueness.
is anyone listening?
my brothers girlfriend is a very sweet girl
i don't know what else to say but i think that she is good for him
i went to lagoon today and helped my grandma yesterday
things aren't too bad
i still get sad, especially at night
i can't die yet, it's too inconvenient
i'm not scared of things, i'm just cautious
i can't believe i'm writing again
i keep a gallon of water by my bed, to encourage me to drink more
i don't think i'll ever get married, or have children
but if i do, i hope my wife and i can agree not to name them after cities.
i don't have anything against people who do, it's just not for me
i've written and rewritten this paragraph several times
i don't know what to say
i'm all out of art