Friday, June 9, 2017

this is dedicated to heather the bank teller and to the heart shaped chocolate i ate

my life is like a movie / driving through alpine, utah / in a 1996 buick hearse / tame impala / beach house / windows down / appreciate ya moms / appreciate moments like this / nothin better

the way people present themselves is crazy
when u really get 2 know someone, it's so nice. the idea of best friends are weird.

take more notes to yourself

even if we die and nothing matters after this life, just take notes for yourself

accept a beautiful thing is no longer apart of your life / move on
it will continue to be beautiful / just on it's own
forget about mirrors / pick some flowers / rocket man 
no more news reports / i'm just writing now 
social media don't matter / just green lawns in happy valley
work stinks but u appreciate your days off more

there's a lot more 2 me than what i present
true artist don't have they life in check

i am nothing more than zachary ford i write i read i dream i take pictures i experiment i love

inspirations or something

cherry bomb documentary

JoHn Muir

Howl's moving castle

lords of dogtown

swamp vermin

my life


1 comment:

  1. All your posts do this thing where you describe objects and emotions in a really abstract way, and as you read they fall together into a cohesive picture that kinda just clicks. It's awesome
