Tuesday, October 4, 2016


i want you to know that the only movie i have cried in is big fish and it wasn't even sad
i got prescribed glasses when i was in the sixth grade but i don't wear them unless i'm at the movie theater or driving

i don't know why i am writing this, i don't like talking about myself very much
i don't go to church anymore
i don't follow back a lot of people on instagram/twitter and i don't really know why, i am just weird like that and i guess would like to be better friends before i follow you back? (but i follow people i've met maybe once??)
i just got a job, and i drink more coffee lately than i have in a long time
i don't get a lot of sleep, but that's nothing new

a girl asked me the other day what my favorite childhood memory was and i didn't know how to answer. it's not that i didn't have a good childhood, it's just that the good memories faded away and i'm just left with sad/scary memories (i don't hate my childhood)
i remember in the third grade a girl called shayni told the people at my table a scary story and i was so scared.  i remember telling my teacher about the story and crying and she made the class sit down 
with me and tell me jokes. 
my writing doesn't go anywhere or solve anything, i don't think anyone really reads my posts but that's fine i'm just writing for myself i suppose. 


1 comment:

  1. this is exaclty what we were talking about. childhood seems so distant, and unsure
