Tuesday, November 14, 2017

twenty reasons why i'm pissed off

  1. I am pissed off because my bus driver stopped at a stop with no people so he could read his book- making me miss the train
  2. I am pissed off because I have to commute to Salt Lake every day and it’s really inconvenient 
  3. I am pissed off because I wanted to be an ultrasound technician and so I took a radiology class but it’s not really what I was expecting and I don’t mean to “put myself down” but I’m really not that smart and it's a lot to remember
  4. I’m a little bit pissed off because three other people got off on the same stop that I did
  5. I’m pissed off because my credit card balance was a lot more than I expected it to be
  6. I’m pissed off because my hair is not long enough to push back, but it’s just long enough that I can’t comb it to the side
  7. I’m pissed off because my Tyler, the Creator cassette tape still hasn’t come (I ordered it in July)
  8. I’m pissed off because I don’t have anyone to talk to about my day
  9. I’m pissed off because people litter
  10. I’m pissed off because it’s cold
  11. I’m pissed off because I know it’s only going to get colder
  12. I’m pissed off because I don’t know what the initials C.S. stand for in C.S. Lewis’ name
  13. I’m pissed off because I took out my nose ring
  14. I’m pissed off because I have two tattoos of birds and they used to not mean anything to me
  15. I’m pissed off because I hate odd numbers, and I have an odd amount of letters in my name
  16. I’m pissed off because I know I’ll never make as much money as I want
  17. I’m pissed off because I’ve been doing so much driving lately
  18. I’m pissed off because I have two bank accounts with two banking institutions
  19. I’m pissed off because I didn’t charge my phone enough before I left the house
  20. I’m pissed off because the lady at the dollar store didn't say anything to me other than my total

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